Parent Them Successful
Parent Them Successful
#118: Why Bribes and Ultimatums Do Not Work When Raising Kids
In this episode, we talk about a truly pervasive issue in the parenting world. Is it me or does it seem like kids just don’t do well taking direction these days. You give a directive and they say “no, I don’t want to” or maybe they just outright ignore you as if they didn’t hear a thing. As a parent, what do you do? Maybe you yell. Maybe you offer a sweet deal or bribe. Maybe you give them an ultimatum which kicks their defiant behaviors into high gear. Of course, the cycle continues. Well, there has to be a better way to handle these difficult situations at every age and stage of childhood development. That’s why we have a very special guest today to help us with this very issue. She has helped over 10,000 parents, so you’re not alone.
About This Episode's Special Guest:
FREE COURSE: https://cmp.works/successful
Book on Amazon: https://cmp.works/thebooklink
Resources Mentioned:
Book: Mindset by Carol Dweck
Drive by Daniel Pink
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