Parent Them Successful
Parent Them Successful
#129: A 5 Part Series on Managing Problem Behaviors - Part 5: Trauma or Adverse Experiences
In this episode, we are continuing our 5 Part Series on managing problem behaviors. You may wonder what is causing the acting out behavior in your child and there are 5 reasons that may be contributing to your child’s problematic behavior. In part 1, I talked about Communication Challenges as a possible reason, and in Part 2, I focused on Environmental Influences as another possible reason. In Part 3, I helped you understand how Neurodevelopmental Factors play a part in problem behaviors. In Part 4, we explored Social and Emotional Learning Gaps and how they contribute to problem behaviors. And for our last part in this series, we take a deep dive into Trauma or Adverse Experiences as a factor. Tune in until the end where I share some very practical trauma-informed strategies that will help you support the child in your life who is struggling.
Resources Mentioned In This Episode:
American Society for the Positive Care of Children
Take the ACE’s Quiz: https://americanspcc.org/take-the-aces-quiz/
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